This is bolo

I’m not sure if it’s working yet.

Are you on, can you hear me?

A voice drifts out from the shadows and bolo begins.

3 Responses

  1. Crimpo says:

    I hear you blud, loud and clear!!

  2. Faction 3 says:

    The new world order is taking over the world! Vote for Ron Paul in the 2008 election or the bill of rights will be overturned by hillary! She will
    destroy the right to bear arms, and theyre already talking about banning free speech with this new fairness docterine! Wake up people america is
    under attck by paid off politicans that think we dont know what theyre doing!

  3. Groover says:

    The above comment is clearly spam, but I’m keeping it on as it’s so amusing.

    I love the idea of Republicans campaigning on the back of a freedom of speech agenda. What a joke.

    For the record, the right to bear arms is a blight the US, which only reinforces internationally held stereotypes, that you are a bunch of rednecks, gone kill crazy after your sisters spurned your advances.

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