Living in love limit and loss

Limit + Loss


Did you ever have the feeling when you were loving
That you just couldn’t get in within enough?
Couldn’t get in within inside her skin enough?
Couldn’t get one-ed enough?
I don’t just mean penetration
I’m talking interpenetration
I’m saying you just couldn’t get dissolved / absolved
/ unbound / beyond (you) in her enough –
‘cause however hard you strained there
was always flesh in your way?

Always limit in our ecstasies
The word itself presupposes this:
ex-stasis: it means to go out beyond
-what? Evidently: a limit, of some kind


Limit resides and abides in matter before mind –
All that reaches mind enters-in through eye or ear
(or sense) in short it passes from out there( to (in here

(a distinction that implies a limit)

So, all we can know ’s made up of our embodied (limited) minds
Rubbing up against limits of different kinds

Call limit ‘form’ and see you never saw a thing without it
And yet how we long to thrust beyond it

And so here’s our human situation:
seeking life beyond limit in the only way we’re able:
rubbing our limits against the limits
that assail us


Her limits though were finer than most
And swaying thus in ecstatic laser lights
Exhibiting across a dervish dance floor

She cocked an eyebrow
And inclined an invitation

And there I was again:
A limited lunging thing
All astir with promise

Though by the time I reached her side
She was gone somehow swallowed by the throng
And that gaze that had punctured drudgery
– loosing rays of possibility
of bloodpound breathstop ecstasy – withdrew and

I was revealed, again, as one of our kind:
Lacking lunging and limited, adrift in loss

And looking back on that time
It then as now seems that
pill-head, pothead or pope in this life of
sinking sinning sighing and singing
in this loving through loss
we’re broken beyond our limits

and prised asunder we all find our lives loosed
and our selves bloody sundered under
the sign of that unshakable godforesaken cross

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