I’m bored kids, so let’s get pretentious!!!

FreeCell is the staff of life
Solitaire the breath.
My RSI is testament
To boredom’s spiteful wrath.

The VDU screen flicker rate
Doth seek to splay the eyes
A throbbing skull is tribute just
To evil ennui.

White noise pounds to numb my ears
A soul-destroying hum.
A jawbone dropp’d is fair return
For endless tedium.

The words I write to kill more time
Are meaningless therefore:
A thought dismissed as vacuous –
Thus banished evermore.

One Response

  1. The Kuga says:

    Ahagh the daily grind, just 20 minutes until my lunch and then freedom! If only for a short piece, still, I shall play Asteriods until that great milestone arrives.

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