hostals, heat and the dreaded mute

Madrid is not the hottest place on earth, but when in a hostal room the width of a decent sized ashtray, with the walls seemingly padded with asbestos, it certainly seems it. But I have now escaped the accursed window-less box and have moved up a couple of notches on the socioeconomic scale, to a student flat. The only thing imprisoning me now is my own lingusitic talents, or current lack of them. Work hard and you will prosper. I will.

2 Responses

  1. Groover says:

    Glad you are pikeying it up out in espana student style. Re: the language stuff. Surely it’s just a matter of speaking slowly and loudly in English, making gestures and lightly peppering your speech with common Spanish words. “BAKED-BEANS-SENOR-I-WANT-BAKED-BEANS.” Perhaps not.

  2. knee pad snazzy…

    Nice speech. Im curious how it went over….

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