Short week

Just in work for two days this week, which is weird. Feel like a slacker, but actually am having two quite intense days. Trying to get my head in order, but so tired again from last night (back to the three o clock rinseout) and strange feeling of doom. What is this feeling of bleak depression and why has the sun gone behind a cloud? Why do I have nothing to write about, but this angsty half-sentence rubbish? I think it’s time to sort things out and get with the programme. Now I just have to concentrate real hard.

One Response

  1. Welcome to the harsh reality of working life my friend. Having missed out on the Jubilation of University life after opting to go straight to work, I, more than anyone understand the dark anguish of the call of Employment. We all need to stand up and say no GOD DAMN it!!!, not today I shall not, on this fine Sunny day be subjected to another day pointless tasks by an ungreatfull employer, instead we need to start our own non working commune were we shall all trade for goods and services.
    Going completely off the subject as I seem to be ranting, I believe the reasoning for your deminished sentances could be due to a certain Kiwi and his texts. It has effected us all. Peace out to all at BOLO!!!!

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