Toby Anstis made a living by fisting Edd the Duck

I wonder: is one reason that these semi-professional/talented attention/talent seekers were sold the idea of I’m a Nonentity…Get Me A New Agent that they would have a short time in which they are able to say “I’m a celebrity” and not feel ashamed? Of course if they use that phrase as a description of themselves, then they will be lying, and with that may come the shame. But the programme cunningly incorporates countless opportunities to say it out of context (for instance just mentioning the name of the show), and sadly for these lovelorn once-a-talking-head-on-the top-10-decades-of-the-20th-Century pillow biters, that may well be enough.

One Response

  1. Bennie says:

    Unfortunately I’m not privy to the delights of “I’m an antiquity, pass the crack pipe” on this side of the channel, however I did catch a mutty glimpse on Sky news this morning. Tony Blair’s sister in law? Was Andy Crane not available? It’s a bit desperate really isn’t it…

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