Continuing strife

Yes yes peeps and all that homey yer wit meh? kinda blag. Well anyway, as you can see bolo is still in the process of breaking, reappearing and then breaking again. Have now got it back up and about and hopefully starting to get somewhere now, but interesting to note that all apostrophes in many of the posts have now turned into stranges symbols. This is one of those symptoms that doesn’t defy reason, but the explanation is so dull, I think I’m going to leave it.

In other matters, the runaway freight train that has been my life of late continued apace this weekend, with soul funk moves on Friday, lean dreams on Saturday and total annihilation on Sunday. To the dik who thought it was a good idea to try to choke me despite my repeated protestations that I wanted no form of aggression with him, I can only say I hope my head broke your nose. Big people should not pick on smaller people just because they think they can and particularly not when the sleight of frame person in question has about two weeks and one bad nights worth of pure rage inside him.

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